İnal Gültekin, Güldal

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Name Variants
Gültekin, Güldal
Gultekin, G.
Güldal İnal Gültekin
Gultekin, İnal
Gultekin, Güldal
Güldal, İnal Gültekin
GULTEKiN Guldal İnal
Gültekin, G.
Guldal Inal GULTEKiN
Guldal I. Gultekin
Guldal İ. Gultekin
G.,İNal Gültekin
Güldal İ. Gültekin
Gultekin Guldal İnal
Gultekin, Guldal
Guldal Inal Gultekin
Gültekin, İnal
GULTEKiN Guldal Inal
Inal Gultekin G.
G. İ. Gultekin
GÜLTEKIN Güldal İnal
Inal Gültekin G.
Güldal İnal GÜLTEKIN
Gültekin Güldal İnal
G. Inal Gultekin
Gultekin, I.
Guldal İnal Gultekin
Gültekin, İ.
İNal Gültekin, Güldal
Guldal İnal GULTEKiN
G. İnal Gultekin
Gultekin, İ.
G. İ. Gültekin
Inal-Gültekin G.
Inal-Gultekin G.
G. I. Gultekin
G., İNal Gültekin
G. İnal Gültekin
Gultekin Guldal Inal
Gultekin, Inal
Inal-Gultekin, Guldal
Gültekin, Güldal İnal
Gultekin, Guldal Inal
Inal, Guldal
Inal-Gultekin, Guldal
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease by a Novel Image-Based Representation of Gene Expression
    (Mdpi, 2022) Kalkan, Habil; Akkaya, Umit Murat; Inal-Gultekin, Guldal; Sanchez-Perez, Ana Maria; Fizyoloji / Physiology; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    Early intervention can delay the progress of Alzheimer's Disease (AD), but currently, there are no effective prediction tools. The goal of this study is to generate a reliable artificial intelligence (AI) model capable of detecting the high risk of AD, based on gene expression arrays from blood samples. To that end, a novel image-formation method is proposed to transform single-dimension gene expressions into a discriminative 2-dimensional (2D) image to use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for classification. Three publicly available datasets were pooled, and a total of 11,618 common genes' expression values were obtained. The genes were then categorized for their discriminating power using the Fisher distance (AD vs. control (CTL)) and mapped to a 2D image by linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Then, a six-layer CNN model with 292,493 parameters were used for classification. An accuracy of 0.842 and an area under curve (AUC) of 0.875 were achieved for the AD vs. CTL classification. The proposed method obtained higher accuracy and AUC compared with other reported methods. The conversion to 2D in CNN offers a unique advantage for improving accuracy and can be easily transferred to the clinic to drastically improve AD (or any disease) early detection.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Current clinical status of IC/BPS and what the future holds in basic & translational science
    (Elsevier, 2024) Inal, Guldal; Janssen, Dick; Mangir, Naside; Cruz, Francisco; Charrua, Ana; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    The present review summarizes the scientific content in the workshop "Current clinical status of IC/BPS and what the future holds in basic & translational science"at the International Continence Society (ICS) 2023, Toronto. In the workshop, clinicians and scientists from different disciplines and nationalities discussed the current clinical status of IC/BPS diagnostic and treatment. They defined the available trends in biomarker search and translational medicine. The recent contribution of computational science and bioinformatics, together with artificial intelligence and the recent improvements in the use of animal models were also explored. The search for diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for IC/BPS patients is important. The use of wellrefined and characterized animal models and the use of bioinformatics and artificial intelligence will be useful in this search.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Defining Molecular Treatment Targets for Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis: Uncovering Adhesion Molecules
    (Frontiers Media Sa, 2022) Inal-Gultekin, Guldal; Gormez, Zeliha; Mangir, Naside; Fizyoloji / Physiology; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    Bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) is a debilitating pain syndrome of unknown etiology that predominantly affects females. Clinically, BPS/IC presents in a wide spectrum where all patients report severe bladder pain together with one or more urinary tract symptoms. On bladder examination, some have normal-appearing bladders on cystoscopy, whereas others may have severely inflamed bladder walls with easily bleeding areas (glomerulations) and ulcerations (Hunner's lesion). Thus, the reported prevalence of BPS/IC is also highly variable, between 0.06% and 30%. Nevertheless, it is rightly defined as a rare disease (ORPHA:37202). The aetiopathogenesis of BPS/IC remains largely unknown. Current treatment is mainly symptomatic and palliative, which certainly adds to the suffering of patients. BPS/IC is known to have a genetic component. However, the genes responsible are not defined yet. In addition to traditional genetic approaches, novel research methodologies involving bioinformatics are evaluated to elucidate the genetic basis of BPS/IC. This article aims to review the current evidence on the genetic basis of BPS/IC to determine the most promising targets for possible novel treatments.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Exploring Drug Repurposing for Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome: Defining Novel Therapeutic Targets
    (Wiley, 2024) Inal-Gultekin, Guldal; Cetin, Zeliha; Mangir, Naside; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    Introduction: Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) is a debilitating pain condition of unknown etiology. Effective therapies for this condition could not have been developed in the last century. Drug repurposing is a practical strategy for enhancing patient access to successful therapies. It is an approach for discovering novel applications for licensed or investigational pharmaceuticals that extend beyond the initial medical indication. This work aims to identify repurposable medications through bioinformatics to discover potential drugs or compounds that can reverse the IC/BPS disease signature. Methods and Material: The analysis involved examining the differentially expressed genes in IC/BPS patients with two distinct disease phenotypes (Hunner's lesion disease, non-Hunner's lesion disease) and controls using the datasets GSE11783, GSE28242, and GSE57560. The goal was to assess the reversal of the disease signature on the L1000CDS2 and cMAP platforms. Results: Twenty-one compounds were repurposed, consisting of 11 small molecules, 10 chemical compounds, 3 natural products, and 6 FDA-approved drugs, currently used for clinical indications such as cancer, myelofibrosis, and diabetes. Discussion: Bioinformatics can be useful for identifying therapeutic agents for IC/BPS by accessing and processing big data on molecular and cellular levels. Prospective in vivo experiments must validate repurposed drugs. The expansion of large-scale genome sequencing, gene expression studies, and clinical data for IC/BPS will improve successful drug selection.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    A Bioinformatic Analysis of the Genes and Pathways Related to Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma
    (Wiley, 2018) Basmaya, Simge; Kayacan, Sevval; Kalemli, Eyyup; Yildiz, Dila; Gultekin, Guldal Inal; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    [No Abstract Available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Determining the expression levels of circulating tumour cell markers in canine mammary tumours
    (veterinarni A Farmaceuticka Univerzita Brno, 2021) Ucmak, Zeynep Gunay; Kahraman, Ozlem Timirci; Gultekin, Guldal Inal; Degirmencioglu, Sevgin; Yaylim, Ilhan; Guvenc, Kazim; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    Detection of the circulating tumour cells (CTC) in dogs with a mammary tumour is a useful tool to reveal the micrometastases long before metastases are recognised clinically. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), claudin 7 (CLND7) and epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM) with the clinical indices and to reveal the diagnostic importance of these biomarkers in canine mammary tumours (CMTs). Peripheral blood (PB) samples were collected from 45 bitches (group MT) which had single mass with malignant epithelial tumours and 9 healthy bitches (group H). Real time PCR (rt-PCR) was performed to determine the expression levels of EGFR, CLDN7, and EPCAM. Mean values of EGFR and CLDN7 expressions were significantly higher in group MT compared to group H (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). The expression level of CLDN7 was positively correlated with EGFR and EPCAM (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively). The EPCAM expression was associated with increased tumour size (P < 0.05) and EPCAM tended to decrease in the presence of skin ulceration on tumour (P = 0.05). Furthermore, expression levels of EGFR in intact dogs were significantly higher compared to spayed dogs in group MT (P < 0.01). The EGFR expression was significantly higher in the presence of metastases (P < 0.05). Also, increased EGFR was determined in grade 2 compared to grade 1 (P < 0.05). In conclusion, these results show that EGFR, CLDN7, EPCAM markers are measureable in PB and they may provide valuable information about the clinical pathophysiology of CMT.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Six potential biomarkers for bladder cancer: key proteins in cell-cycle division and apoptosis pathways
    (Springer, 2022) Gultekin, Guldal Inal; Kahraman, Ozlem Timirci; Isbilen, Murat; Durmus, Saliha; Cakir, Tunahan; Yaylim, Ilhan; Isbir, Turgay; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    Background: The bladder cancer (BC) pathology is caused by both exogenous environmental and endogenous molecular factors. Several genes have been implicated, but the molecular pathogenesis of BC and its subtypes remains debatable. The bioinformatic analysis evaluates high numbers of proteins in a single study, increasing the opportunity to identify possible biomarkers for disorders. Methods: The aim of this study is to identify biomarkers for the identification of BC using several bioinformatic analytical tools and methods. BC and normal samples were compared for each probeset with T test in GSE13507 and GSE37817 datasets, and statistical probesets were verified with GSE52519 and E-MTAB-1940 datasets. Differential gene expression, hierarchical clustering, gene ontology enrichment analysis, and heuristic online phenotype prediction algorithm methods were utilized. Statistically significant proteins were assessed in the Human Protein Atlas database. GSE13507 (6271 probesets) and GSE37817 (3267 probesets) data were significant after the extraction of probesets without gene annotation information. Common probesets in both datasets (2888) were further narrowed by analyzing the first 100 upregulated and downregulated probesets in BC samples. Results: Among the total 400 probesets, 68 were significant for both datasets with similar fold-change values (Pearson r: 0.995). Protein-protein interaction networks demonstrated strong interactions between CCNB1, BUB1B, and AURKB. The HPA database revealed similar protein expression levels for CKAP2L, AURKB, APIP, and LGALS3 both for BC and control samples. Conclusion: This study disclosed six candidate biomarkers for the early diagnosis of BC. It is suggested that these candidate proteins be investigated in a wet lab to identify their functions in BC pathology and possible treatment approaches.
  • Master Thesis
    Adolesan kadın basketbol oyuncularında anaerobık yorgunluğun proprıosepsıyon üzerıne etkısı
    (2020) Kılıç, Sefa; Gültekin, Güldal İnal; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    Proproseptif duyudaki eksiklikler yaralanma riskini artırmakta ve sporcunun performansını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Kadın basketbol oyuncularında anaerobik yorgunluğun ve toparlanma sürecinin propriosepsiyon üzerine etkisi üzerinde sınırlı sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu amaçla adolesan kadın basketbol oyuncularında anaerobik yorgunluğun alt ekstremite propriosepsiyonu üzerine etkisini değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmaya 12–16 yaş aralığında 30 lisanslı kadın basketbol oyuncusu dahil edildi. Katılımcıların demografik bilgilerine takiben, istirahat, yorgunluk ve toparlanma olmak üzere üç durumda kalp atım sayıları, 30° ve 60° aktif ve pasif diz eklemi pozisyon hissi ölçümleri yapıldı. Diz eklemi pozisyon hissi ölçümleri için dominant bacakları değerlendirmeye alındı. Anaerobik yorgunluk için bisiklet ergometresinde Wingate anaerobik test protokolü uygulandı ve hemen sonrasındaki yorgunluk durumu verileri alındı. Toparlanma sonrası verilerin alınması için katılımcılar 10 dakika istirahate alındılar. Katılımcıların elde edilen yorgunluk nabızları ortalama 171,6±4,2 atım/dakika olarak tespit edildi ve karvonen formülüne göre hesaplanan iş yoğunluğu %72,7±2,9 olarak belirlendi. Anaerobik yorgunluk sonrası 30° ve 60° diz fleksiyonu aktif eklem pozisyon hissinde istirahat değelerine göre anlamlı azalma saptandı (p>0,017). Yorgunluk sonrası 10 dakikalık toparlanma ile 30° ve 60° diz fleksiyonu aktif eklem pozisyon hissinde tekrar istirahat seviyelerine dönüş olduğu belirlendi. Diz fleksiyonu 30° ve 60° pasif eklem pozisyon hissinde anaerobik yorgunluk sonrası anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmedi. Sonuç olarak, adolesan kadın basketbolcularında anaerobik yorgunluğun diz propripsepsiyonunu azalttağı saptanmış ve çalışmanın literatürdeki benzer bulgularla örtüştüğü görülmüştür. Bunula birlikte, 10 dakika kadar kısa bir toparlanma süresi ile propriyoseptif duyarlılığın başlangıç seviyelerine geri döndüğü görülmüştür.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 9
    Hippocampal neural cell loss in high-fat diet-induced obese rats-exploring the protein networks, ultrastructure, biochemical and bioinformatical markers
    (Elsevier, 2021) Alkan, Isinsu; Altunkaynak, Berrin Zuhal; Gultekin, Guldal Inal; Baycu, Cengiz; Histoloji ve Embriyoloji / Histology and Embriology; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    Objective: Obesity, which has become one of the main health problems, results from irregular and unhealthy nutrition. In particular, an increase in the intake of high-fat foods leads to obesity and associated disorders. It is noteworthy to specify that obese individuals have memory problems. This study aims to examine the effects of high-fat diet on hippocampus, with stereological, histopathological methods and STRING bioinformatic tool. Methods: Female Adult Sprague Dawley rats (n = 20) were equally divided into control (CONT) and high-fat diet (HFD) groups. The control group was given standard rat pellet feed, while the high-fat diet group was fed with a 40 % fat content for 2 months. Following the feeding program, rats were sacrificed. The collected blood samples were analyzed biochemically to determine the level of oxidative stress while performing a stereological and histopathological examination of the brain tissues. Functional protein-protein networks for BDNF, C-Fos, CAT, LPO, SOD and MPO by gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis were evaluated. Findings: The number of neurons decreased in the HFD group compared to the CONT group. Damage to the histological structure of the hippocampus region; such as degenerate neurons, damaged mitochondria and extended cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum was observed. Although C-Fos level and oxidative stress parameters increased in HFD group, BDNF level decreased. While BDNF and C-Fos were observed in pathways related to neuron death, oxidative stress and memory, BDNF was pronounced in the mitochondria, and C-Fos in the endoplasmic reticulum. Discussion: This study shows that changes in both BDNF and C-Fos levels in obesity due to high-fat diet increase oxidative stress and cause neuron damage in the hippocampus.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 31
    Assessment of structural protein expression by FTIR and biochemical assays as biomarkers of metabolites response in gastric and colon cancer
    (Elsevier, 2021) Guleken, Zozan; Bulut, Huri; Gultekin, Guldal Inal; Arikan, Soykan; Yaylim, Ilhan; Hakan, Mehmet Tolgahan; Depciuch, Joanna; İşletme / Business Administration; Fizyoloji / Physiology
    Colon and gastric cancers are the widespread benign types of cancers which are synchronous and metachronous neoplasms. In terms of the progression and progress of the disease, metabolic processes and differentiation in protein structures have an important role in for treatment of the disease. In this study we proposed to investigate the metabolic process and the differentiation of protein secondary structure among colon and gastric cancer as well as healthy controls using biochemistry and Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy (FTIR) methods. For this purpose, we measured blood serum of 133 patients, which were conducted upon oncology department (45 colon cancer, 45 gastric cancer and 43 control individuals). The obtained spectroscopic results and biochemical assays showed significant reduction in the amount of functional groups in cancer groups contrary with total protein measurements and structure of protein differences between colon and gastric cancers. Differentiations were visible in serum levels of CEA, CA-125, CA-15-3, CA-19-9 AFP (Alpha fetoprotein) of gastric and colon cancer patients as well as in amide III and secondly described amide I regions. Our findings suggest that amide I bonds in colon cancer cells can be helpful in diagnosis of colon cancer. Indeed, our results showed that metabolic processes were higher in gastric cancer group than in colon cancer. Hence, FTIR spectroscopy and curve-fitting analysis of amide I profile can be successfully applied as tools for identifying quantitative and qualitative changes of proteins in human cancerous blood serum. However, what is very important, in PCA analysis we see, that the scatter plot of PC1 (variability 80%) and PC2 (variability 15%) show that the data related to the control and two cancer groups are clustered together with different magnitudes and directions.