Investigating the effect of the number of layers of the atomic channel wall on Brownian displacement, thermophoresis, and thermal behavior of graphene/water nanofluid by molecular dynamics simulation

dc.authoridJumaah, Dheyaa/0000-0001-7259-3392
dc.authoridKeivani, Babak/0000-0003-2390-4726
dc.authorwosidAlizadeh, As’ad/ADY-4514-2022
dc.authorwosidJumaah, Dheyaa/GPS-5013-2022
dc.contributor.authorGuo, Xinwei
dc.contributor.authorJasim, Dheyaa J.
dc.contributor.authorAlizadeh, Asad
dc.contributor.authorKeivani, Babak
dc.contributor.authorNasajpour-Esfahani, Navid
dc.contributor.authorSalahshour, Soheil
dc.contributor.authorSabetvand, Rozbeh
dc.departmentOkan Universityen_US
dc.department-temp[Guo, Xinwei] North China Univ Water Resource & Elect Power, Ural Inst, Zhengzhou 450045, Henan, Peoples R China; [Guo, Xinwei] Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Inst Thermal Energy Engn, Sch Mech Engn, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China; [Jasim, Dheyaa J.] Al Amarah Univ Coll, Dept Petr Engn, Maysan, Iraq; [Alizadeh, Asad] Cihan Univ Erbil, Coll Engn, Dept Civil Engn, Erbil, Iraq; [Keivani, Babak] Kirsehir Ahi Evran Univ, Dept Mech Engn, TR-40200 Kirsehir, Turkiye; [Nasajpour-Esfahani, Navid] Georgia Inst Technol, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA; [Salahshour, Soheil] Istanbul Okan Univ, Fac Engn & Nat Sci, Istanbul, Turkiye; [Salahshour, Soheil] Bahcesehir Univ, Fac Engn & Nat Sci, Istanbul, Turkiye; [Salahshour, Soheil] Lebanese Amer Univ, Dept Comp Sci & Math, Beirut, Lebanon; [Shamsborhan, Mahmoud] Univ Zakho, Coll Engn, Dept Mech Engn, Zakho, Iraq; [Sabetvand, Rozbeh] Amirkabir Univ Technol, Fac Condensed Matter Phys, Dept Energy Engn & Phys, Tehran, Iran; [Guo, Xinwei] Xian Univ Sci & Technol, State Key Lab Green & Low Carbon Dev Tar Rich Coal, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, Peoples R Chinaen_US
dc.descriptionJumaah, Dheyaa/0000-0001-7259-3392; Keivani, Babak/0000-0003-2390-4726en_US
dc.description.abstractNanofluids (NFs) are nanoscale colloidal suspensions containing dense nanomaterials. They are two-phase systems with solid in liquid phase. Due to their high thermal conductivity, nano -particles increase the thermal conductivity (TC) of base fluids, one of the basic heat transfer parameters, when distributed in the base fluids. The present research investigates the thermal behavior, Brownian motion, and thermophoresis of water/graphene NF affected by different numbers of atomic wall layers (4, 5, 6 and 7) by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. This investigation reports changes in heat flux (HF), TC, average Brownian displacement, and ther-mophoresis displacement. By raising the number of atomic wall layers from 4 to 7, the average Brownian displacement and thermophoresis displacement increase from 3.06 angstrom and 23.88 angstrom to 3.62 and 25.05 angstrom, respectively. Increasing the number of layers due to the decrease in temper-ature increases the temperature difference between the hot and cold points along the channel. It increases the Brownian motion and the maximum temperature. Additionally, by raising the atomic layers of the channel wall, the values of HF and TC increase from 39.54 W/m2 and 0.36 W/mK to 41.18 W/m2 and 0.42 W/mK after 10 ns, respectively. The temperature rose from 1415 to 1538 K. These results are useful in different industries, especially for improving the thermal properties of different NFs.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipHumanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Universities in Henan Province [2024-ZDJH-282]; Xi'an University of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Green and Low-carbon Development of Tar-rich Coal in Western China [SKLCRKF22-03]en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Foreign Experts Program (G2023026002L) .Henan Province Key R & D and Promotion Special Project (232102320206) .Scientific Research and Development Project of Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban -Rural Development (HNJS- 2022-K55).Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Universities in Henan Province (2024-ZDJH-282) .Xi'an University of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Green and Low-carbon Development of Tarrich Coal in Western China (SKLCRKF22-03) .r Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Universities in Henan Province (2024-ZDJH-282) . Xi'an University of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Green and Low-carbon Development of Tar-rich Coal in Western China (SKLCRKF22-03) .en_US
dc.institutionauthorSalahshour S.
dc.institutionauthorSalahshour, Soheıl
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectBrownian displacementen_US
dc.subjectThermal behavioren_US
dc.subjectMolecular dynamics simulationen_US
dc.subjectGraphene/ water nanofluiden_US
dc.titleInvestigating the effect of the number of layers of the atomic channel wall on Brownian displacement, thermophoresis, and thermal behavior of graphene/water nanofluid by molecular dynamics simulationen_US
