Sketch of a cosmological model based on the law of energy conservation
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Yarman, Nuh Tolga
Kholmetskii, A. L.
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Springer Heidelberg
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We suggest an approach for the description of gravitation fields based on the weak equivalence principle, where the rest mass of an object is decreased by the field as much as its static binding energy. The law of modification of the rest mass we introduce, in fact, serves as the energy conservation law in the gravitation field, as pointed out by the first author in his previous publications. Thus, this approach allows avoiding known ambiguities of the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) with respect to the energy of the gravitation field. We further indicate ways toward a covariant formulation of our approach; however, in the present contribution we use the limit of a weak gravitation field, in order to describe the evolution of the Universe at times sufficiently far from the classically presumed "Big Bang". Even along with this limitation, we demonstrate the efficiency of our approach, and determine a number of essential properties of the behavior of the Universe, which are thence based on just the law of energy conservation, and have a general character. In particular, we find out a very small positive (outward) acceleration for the expansion of the Modern Universe, which therefore constitutes a clue for the dark energy quest without involving the cosmological constant (whose value in quantum gravity has anyway a huge difference from that furnished by GTR). We also show that at the earlier stages of the Universe evolution, the acceleration might be negative. In addition, we find mainly a radially non-uniform exfoliation of the Universe (versus the classically assumed directionally uniform expanding Universe); thus we come out with a way of formation of galaxies along directions perpendicular to the direction of the expansion of the Universe. Finally, we derive the Hubble law along with a satisfactory calculation of the Hubble constant, and show that the linear dependence of the velocity v on a distance R represents, in effect, an approximation, which is not fulfilled for very large R. We also come up with an explanation, regarding the so-far-unanswered dispersion of data around the classical Hubble plot approximations.
Yarman, Tolga/0000-0003-3209-2264
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