Sözer, Edin Güçlü
Name Variants
E. Guclu Sozer
E. G. Sözer
Sozer, Guclu
Sözer Edin Güçlü
Edin Güçlü Sözer
Sozer Edin Guclu
Sozer, E.
E. Güçlü Sözer
Edin Güçlü, Sözer
SÖZER Edin Güçlü
E. G. Sozer
Sozer, G.
Sözer, Güçlü
Sözer, G.
Edin G. Sozer
Sözer, Edin
Edin Güçlü SÖZER
Edin Guclu Sozer
Edin Guclu SOZER
SOZER Edin Guclu
Sozer, Edin
Sözer, Edin Güçlü
Sozer, Güçlü
Sözer, E.
Edin G. Sözer
E. G. Sözer
Sozer, Guclu
Sözer Edin Güçlü
Edin Güçlü Sözer
Sozer Edin Guclu
Sozer, E.
E. Güçlü Sözer
Edin Güçlü, Sözer
SÖZER Edin Güçlü
E. G. Sozer
Sozer, G.
Sözer, Güçlü
Sözer, G.
Edin G. Sozer
Sözer, Edin
Edin Güçlü SÖZER
Edin Guclu Sozer
Edin Guclu SOZER
SOZER Edin Guclu
Sozer, Edin
Sözer, Edin Güçlü
Sozer, Güçlü
Sözer, E.
Edin G. Sözer
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Turkish CoHE Profile ID
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
15 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
Article Citation Count: 0The Mediator Role of Brand Image in the Effect of Product Knowledge on Brand Loyalty: A Study on Mobile Phone Brands(2024) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; Sözer, Edin Güçlü; Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Ertemel, Adnan Veysel; İşletme / Business AdministrationThe objective of this study is to explore the relationships between product knowledge, brand image, and brand loyalty in the mobile phone brands context. Specifically, the study investigates the effect of product knowledge level on brand image and brand loyalty, the effect of brand image on brand loyalty, and how brand image mediates the effect of product knowledge on the brand loyalty of mobile phone users. The participants of the study were mobile phone users in the prominent cities of Turkey. A total of 426 participants were identified with the utilization of convenience sampling methodology and the data collection process was executed through a questionnaire distributed electronically. The results of the study confirmed the direct positive and significant effects of the product knowledge level of consumers on brand image and brand loyalty. On the other hand, the image perception of consumers regarding the mobile phone brand is found to have a significant and positive direct effect on brand loyalty. When brand image is included in the model as a mediating variable, the direct effect of product knowledge on brand loyalty turns into an insignificant one, which confirms the mediating role of brand image on the effect of product knowledge on brand loyalty.Publication Citation Count: 0The Effect of Message Valence on e-WoM Spread: A Moderated Mediation Analysis(2019) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; İşletme / Business AdministrationThis study aims to examine the effect of e-WoM message on the intentionlevel of consumers to spread the word to other consumers in the presence of amoderated mediation interaction effect between risk perception and uncertaintyavoidance levels of consumers. An experimental design was implemented, and themanipulated experimental condition was e-WoM message represented in two levels,negative and positive. The results indicate that, compared to negative ones, positive eWoM messages lead to higher intention to share the message with other consumers.However, in the presence of perceived risk, the positive direct effect of positive messagesturns into a negative indirect effect when perceived risk mediates this relationship.Moreover, this negative indirect effect stabilizes with the uncertainty avoidancemoderated relationship between e-WoM message and perceived risk. In the light ofthese findings, a two levels e-WoM communication strategy was proposed to maximizethe benefits of positive customer feedbacks: Construction of a strong pool of positive eWoM messages generated by existing satisfied customers and the use of negativeframing in the marketing communication messages targeted to prospect customers.Publication Citation Count: 0DETERMINANTS AND OUTCOMES OF MOBILE APP USAGE INTENTION OF GEN Z: A CROSS CATEGORY ASSESSMENT(2019) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; İşletme / Business AdministrationThe objective of this study is to identify the determinants such as usefulness and ease of use aswell as the behavioral outcomes of mobile app usage intention among Generation Z consumers.Three mobile app categories, entertainment, communication and networking, are included in thestudy. The results of the study confirmed that perceived ease of use plays an important role indetermining the intention to use the app while perceived privacy, perceived security, perceiveddesign and perceived compatibility are the factors which shape both perceived ease of use andusefulness depending on the mobile app category. Higher usage intention is found to be effectivein generating willingness to pay in all mobile app categories. In contrast to the entertainmentcategory, increasing usage intention is also found to lead increasing intention to engage into theWoM activity in communication and networking categories. Based on these findings, somepractical implications are provided.Publication Citation Count: 0COGNITIVE, PERCEPTUAL AND BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF NEURO-STIMULI: A STUDY ON PACKAGED FOOD PRODUCTS(2020) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; Edin Güçlü SÖZER; İşletme / Business AdministrationToday, the food sector is characterised with intense competition and continuously becoming morechallenging for marketers. When it is realised that 95% of consumers' purchasing decisions aremade unconsciously, marketing tools started to target unconscious minds. Combiningneuroscience and marketing disciplines, neuromarketing studies found that neuro-stimuli,directly addressing the brain, are influential on consumer perceptions. This study investigatesthe effects of neuro-stimuli applied on food product poster and packaging on mother-woman andchild consumers' brand awareness, quality perceptions and purchase intentions. In theexperimental design implemented, a total of 284 subjects composed of women and children aredivided into 6 groups, and they were exposed to various degrees of neuro-stimuli in the posterand product packages in order to measure the influence of these stimuli. Findings of the researchconfirmed that application of neuro-stimuli significantly increased quality perception of womenand purchase intentions of both woman and child consumers. Increasing intensity of neurostimulialso generated a partially significant influence. Theoretical and managerial implicationsare provided based on these findings.Publication Citation Count: 0CUSTOMER BASED BRAND TOLERANCE (CBBT): SCALE DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION(2019) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; İşletme / Business AdministrationIn today’s markets, which are characterized with the strong competitive environment, successful customerretention is the ultimate target for all brands to survive. A strong Customer Based Brad Equity (CBBE) is animportant competitive enabler which helps brands to generate satısfactory returns on their marketing investmentand get them closer to their customer retention targets. However, this does not assure the unconditional retentionand loyalty of consumers since the relationship is subject to continuous interactions between the brand andconsumers which may eventually result in satisfactory as well as unsatisfactory customer experiences. This studycontributes to the marketing literature by conceptualizing the Customer Based Brand Tolerance (CBBT) constructand develop and validate a scale which measures the CBBT strength of brands in a retailing context. In line withthis target, the scale was developed and validated by following a three step procedure borrowed by the existingliterature. Results confirm the three sub-dimensions of CBBT scale as Performance, Price and CommunicationTolerance.Master Thesis Tüketicilerin otomotiv yedek parça tercihlerini etkileyen faktörler: Orijinal ve yan sanayi karşılaştırması üzerine bir çalışma(2020) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; Sözer, Edin Güçlü; İşletme / Business AdministrationSanayi faaliyetlerinin gelişimi her alanda olduğu gibi otomotiv yedek parça üretimine de katkıda bulunmuştur. Bu doğrultuda son zamanlarda yedek parça ihtiyacının karşılanmasında orijinal yedek parçalara alternatif olarak üretilen yan sanayi ürünlerin tercih edilme oranında artış görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada tüketicilerin yan sanayi ve orijinal yedek parça satın alma niyetleri üzerindeki kalite algısı, risk algısı, fiyat algısı ve tüketici güveni faktörlerinin etkisi incelenmiştir. Ayrıca tüketicilerin orijinal yedek parça ve yan sanayi yedek parça satın alma niyeti üzerindeki fiyat etkisi üç alternatif fiyat farkı oranına göre test edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda tüketicilerin orijinal yedek parça satın alma tercihleri üzerinde risk ve fiyat algılarının etkili olduğu, yan sanayi yedek parça satın alma niyetleri üzerinde ise yalnızca fiyat algısının etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu durumun yanı sıra, Orijinal ürüne alternatif olarak daha düşük fiyatlı bir yan sanayi ürünün sunulması tüketicilerin orijinal yedek parça satın alma niyetleri üzerinde olumsuz bir etkiye yol açtığı tespit edilirken yan sanayi ürün ile orijinal ürün arasındaki fiyat farkının düşük seviyelerde olmasının yan sanayi ürün satın alma niyeti üzerinde negatif bir etkiye, sahip olduğu, bu farkın yükselmesi sonucunda ise tüketicilerin yan sanayi ürün tercih etme eğilimlerinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir.Publication Citation Count: 0Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WoM): Is it an Effective Tool for Re-Vitalizing the Relationship between a Brand and Its Ex-Customers?(2018) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; İşletme / Business AdministrationThe target of this study is to shed light into an unexplored area in the marketing literature by (1) identifying the factors contributing to the formation of a relationship re-vitalization effect of e-WoM in an e-commerce context, and (2) exploring the relationship between re-vitalization effect of e-WoM, current brand loyalty, current brand satisfaction level and old brand satisfaction level. The sample was chosen among the ex-customers of 3 e-retailers in Turkey and 150 customers responded to the survey. Model testing was done through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. Results of the study indicate that re-vitalization of the relationship between the customer and his/her old brand through the e-WoM communication is the function of Tie Strength between the customer and e-WoM message source (sender), the satisfaction level with the old brand before leaving the brand and the brand loyalty level towards the current brand purchased. Brands need to employ e-WoM communication before ex-customers become loyal to their current brand.Publication Citation Count: 0Do Hedonic Cues on Product Packages Influence Consumer Behavior? A Study on Utilitarian Retail Food Products(2020) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; Merve İŞERİ UZUNOĞLU; İşletme / Business AdministrationBrands in retail packaged foods sector, which is characterized with aggressive competition, relyheavily on the influential effect of packaging as an important marketing mix element used togenerate competitive advantage. Brands apply different types of cues on packages of utilitarianas well as hedonic products to boost their impact on consumers. Although there are studiesfocusing on the influence of such applications on consumer behavior, there is a lack of studies inthe literature which focus on the effect of hedonic cue applications on utilitarian retail foodproducts. This study contributes to the marketing literature by filling this gap and measuring theinfluence of hedonic cue applications on perceived quality and purchase intentions of consumersin the context of utilitarian retail food products. An experimental design is implemented, and theexperimental condition manipulated was the intensity of the hedonic cue application on thepackage. Total of 520 questionnaires consisting of 13 questions are obtained in eight group ofconsumers who are randomly selected as regular supermarket visitors. The sample was composedof consumers who are between twenty and sixty years old (covering, Gen X, Y and partially Z)in Turkey. The results confirmed no significant effect of hedonic cues on utilitarian productquality perceptions and purchase intentions of consumers. Managerial implications and futurestudy suggestions are provided.Publication Citation Count: 0THE EFFECT OF REVIEWER ORIGIN ON BOOKING INTENTIONS IN TOURISM INDUSTRY: THE MODERATING ROLE OF REVIEW VALENCE(2018) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; İşletme / Business AdministrationThis study investigates the effect of reviewers’ origin on the consumers’ intentions for booking a room ina hotel by taking into consideration the possible moderating effect of review valence. An experimental design isimplemented and the manipulated experimental conditions are identified as the reviewers’ origin (Home Rev ,Host Rev , Uni Rev ,) and the review content (negative, positive and mixed). Findings of the study confirm thestatistically significant relationship between review content and booking intentions. Positive and mixed contentlead to higher booking intentions, when compared to negative content. However, exposure to pure positive reviewsgenerates lower levels of booking intentions than mixed reviews containing both positive and negative reviews.The results also indicate that reviews of local customers (Home Rev ) generate higher booking intentions comparedto reviews generated by international (Host Rev ,) and unidentified customers (Uni Rev ,). The relative differential effectof local reviewers on booking intentions is moderated by different levels of review valence.Master Thesis Infografiklerin bilişsel, duygusal ve davranışsal etkileri(2019) Sözer, Edin Güçlü; Sözer, Edin Güçlü; İşletme / Business AdministrationPazarlama iletişiminde yaşanan mesaj kirliliği firmaların müşterilere ulaşmalarında zorluk yaşamalarına sebep olmakta ve bu durum şirketleri yaşanan mesaj kirliliğini aşmak için yaratıcı yöntemler bulmaya zorlamaktadır. İş ve endüstri alanlarında yaşanan teknolojik devrim, pazarlama yöneticilerine hedef tüketicilerin dikkatini çekme ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilmek için yeni teknolojiler kullanma imkânı sağlamaktadır. Yaşanan zorluğu aşmak adına birçok alanda iletişim kurmayı sağlayan potansiyel araçlardan bir tanesi de İnfografik'lerdir. Görsel psikoloji alanında yapılan araştırmalar infografiklerin mesaj kirliliğinin yaratmış olduğu zorlukların üstesinden geldiğine yönelik tatmin edici bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, tüketici elektroniği kategorisinde kullanılan pazarlama mesaj içeriklerinde infografik kullanımının bilişsel, duygusal ve davranışsal etkilerini sadece metin içerikli mesajlar ile infografik içeren mesajların karşılaştırmasını yaparak ölçmeyi hedeflemektedir. Deneysel bir tasarım uygulanan çalışmada, mesaj içeriği (sadece metin/infografik) manipüle edilen faktör olarak belirlenmiştir. Infografik kullanımının etkisi hem çevrimdışı (magazin) hem de çevrimiçi (e-posta) pazarlama mesajlarında ölçülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonuçları infografik kullanımının sadece mesaj içerikli mesajlara kıyasla daha iyi bilişsel (hafıza performansı) ve duygusal (markaya karşı tutum) etkiler oluşturduğunu göstermektedir. Diğer taraftan, davranışsal (satın alma niyeti) etkileri açısından sadece metin ve infografik mesaj içeriği karşılaştırmasında anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. İnfografiklerin çevrimdışı ve çevrim içi medya platformlarında farklı etkilere neden olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçlar çerçevesinde uygulamaya yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.